You will be paying for this manual through PayPal and an email will be sent to Shihan Abbott who will personally email you the 170+ page PDF manual with 20 tutorial video links on both short and long sword. Shihan Abbott will guide you through the course.
Tachi-Iai (Long Sword Course Manual)

$29.95 (Purchase PDF Download)
TACHI-IAI: Toyama-Ryu Iai-Batto-Do training and ranking manual is the ultimate resource for those training in the “ways of the long sword”. Every martial arts enthusiast or student of the sword should follow this curriculum to enhance expertise and master the long sword. This easy to follow manual will provide you with that extra necessary knowledge needed when studying the sword. This ranking and training manual contains step-by-step instructions and hundreds of photographs to help strengthen your body’s core. Price includes personal consultation with Shihan Abbott.
Please Email Shihan Dana Abbott at shihanabbott [at] hotmail [dot] com about ordering Samurai Training and Ranking Manual.